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Inline vs. Block Elements in HTML: A Beginner's Guide

HTML elements can be categorized into two main types: inline and block. Understanding the differences between these types is crucial for creating well-structured and visually appealing web pages.

Inline Elements

  • Flow: Inline elements flow horizontally within their containing block element.

  • Spacing: They do not automatically start on a new line.

  • Width and Height: They do not have a default width or height and take up only the space required by their content.

  • Examples: <span>, <a>, <em>, <strong>, <img>, <input>

Block Elements

  • Flow: Block elements start on a new line and occupy the full width of their container.

  • Spacing: They automatically create a new line before and after themselves.

  • Width and Height: They have a default width of 100% and can have a specified height.

  • Examples: <div>, <p>, <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6>, <ul>, <ol>, <li>, <form>, <table>

Key Differences


Inline Elements

Block Elements





No automatic new lines

New lines before and after

Width and Height

No default width or height

Default width of 100%

When to Use Which

  • Inline Elements: Use for text-level formatting, links, images, and form controls.

  • Block Elements: Use for structural elements, headings, paragraphs, lists, and forms.


<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
<span>This is inline text.</span>
<img src="image.jpg" alt="Image">

In this example, <p> is a block element, while <span> and <img> are inline elements. The paragraph will start on a new line, while the inline elements will flow horizontally within the paragraph.

By understanding the differences between inline and block elements, you can create well-structured and visually appealing web pages.


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