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Focusable HTML Elements: A Beginner's Guide

Focusable HTML elements are those that can receive keyboard focus. This means users can navigate to them using the Tab key and interact with them using the keyboard. Ensuring that your web pages have focusable elements is crucial for accessibility and user experience.

Why Focusable Elements Matter

  • Accessibility: Users with disabilities, such as those who cannot use a mouse, rely on keyboard navigation to interact with web content.

  • User Experience: Focusable elements provide a more intuitive and efficient user experience, especially for users who prefer keyboard navigation.

  • SEO: Search engines may consider the accessibility of your website when ranking search results.

Common Focusable Elements

  • <a> (anchor): Used for links.

  • <button>: Creates a clickable button.

  • <input>: Used for various input types, such as text fields, checkboxes, and radio buttons.

  • <select>: Creates a dropdown list.

  • <textarea>: Creates a multi-line text input.

  • <summary>: Used in conjunction with <details> to create expandable/collapsible sections.

Making Elements Focusable

By default, some elements are focusable, while others are not. To make an element focusable:

  • Remove display: none;: If an element is hidden using CSS, it will not be focusable. Remove the display: none; style.

  • Add tabindex: Use the tabindex attribute to set the tab order for an element. A tabindex value of 0 makes an element focusable.


<div tabindex="0">This div is now focusable.</div>

Best Practices for Focusable Elements

  • Logical Tab Order: Ensure that the tab order of focusable elements is logical and intuitive for users.

  • Avoid Hidden Elements: Do not hide focusable elements using CSS, as this can make them inaccessible to keyboard users.

  • Test Accessibility: Use screen readers and accessibility testing tools to verify that your focusable elements are working as expected.

By following these guidelines, you can create more accessible and user-friendly web pages.


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