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HTML vs. HTM: A Quick Guide

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and HTM are both file extensions used for web pages. While they were once interchangeable, there are some key differences to consider today.

Historical Context

  • HTM: Originally, the .htm extension was more common, especially on older operating systems.

  • HTML: As web development evolved, the .html extension became the preferred choice.

Modern Usage

  • HTML: Today, .html is the standard and recommended extension for HTML files.

  • HTM: While still supported by most web servers and browsers, .htm is less common and often considered outdated.

Key Considerations

  • Consistency: It's generally best to use .html for all your HTML files to maintain consistency and avoid potential compatibility issues.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Some search engines may give preference to .html files, although this is not a definitive rule.

  • Personal Preference: Ultimately, the choice between .html and .htm often comes down to personal preference or specific project requirements.


While both .html and .htm extensions are valid for HTML files, .html is the recommended standard in modern web development. It's more widely used and offers better compatibility with various web servers and browsers.


Ready to master HTML and CSS? Get our comprehensive eBook.

Packed with easy-to-follow tutorials, practical examples, and expert tips, this eBook will guide you from the basics to advanced techniques. Click here to purchase your copy and kickstart your web development journey!

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